Request Temporary Activation Code for PowerPDF Advanced Volume Term, Tungsten Capture, Transformation, Mobile and TotalAgility Products
You may request a temporary Activation Code to address the following needs:
- Term/Evaluation Date Extension. You have a time limited license and need a date extension. In this case the license granted will provide a 5-day extension to the expiration date.
- Volume Increase. You have run out of volume, and need a temporary boost to continue operations until you can order additional volume.
- Power PDF User Increase. You have run out of Power PDF user licenses and need a temporary boost to continue operations until you can order additional Power PDF licenses.
- Date Rollback . Only use this when requested by Tungsten Technical Support.
- Move Software License. You have a software license and need to move the license to another system.
The license generated for "Volume Increase", "Date Rollback" or "Move Software License" will address the above situations for 5 days from the date of submission. These are the stipulations for use:
- After 5 calendar days the temporary license will expire whether activated on the system or not.
- The license can only be used once. The license activation information does require manual activation.
- As soon as possible from receiving your temporary license contact Tungsten Sales Support at the number or email address below to discuss a permanent solution.
Please enter accurate licensing and contact information in order to allow for such a resolution. All fields are required.
For additional assistance, please contact Sales Support